Thursday, February 26, 2009

being a brutal is not too bad,ke??

hari ini aku rasa aku agak brutal.ada sedikit highlight di situ :)

aku ke KL Sentral,seorang diri tadi,membeli tiket train.Ya!aku akan balik 7 hb ni,insyaAllah :) biasalakan ke sana seorang diri.aku rasa lebih selesa mensetelkan hal sendiri dengan sendiri,tak mengheret orang sekali dalam masalah aku.tapi,ada sedikit keterharuan di situ.Syairah dan Cik Suria nampaknya begitu concern bila aku cakap nak pergi sorang.hinggakan Syairah call semata-mata nak tanya aku kat mana.haih..memang terharu!mungkin depa tak biasa kan but i'm used to be like that :) senang aku nak jalan dengan sebesar-besar langkah dan mengejar bas seolah aku belum mencecah umur 20 tahun lagi.hee~

pulang dari kelas,aku jemput Fatin yang tiba dari Kedah petang tadi.lalu aku bawa dia ke bilik aku,bermalam di sini.agak-agak,apakah perkara brutal yang aku telah buat malam ini? :)


ini adalah tombol pintu yang telah aku patahkan.tak disengajakan.hampir 10 minit aku dah coba buka dengan selembutnya.aku tahu aku kurang sabar di situ.huhu~

minta maaf harta UiTM!
saya sudah mencuba untuk membuka pintu dengan lembut tadi.tapi,apakan daya.umurnya hanya sampai di situ saja.tamatlah riwayat tombol pintu yang lama.terpaksa menyusahkan pak cik technician di malam hari naik ke bilik kami untuk tukar tombol yang baru.

"terima kasih.minta maaf ganggu pak cik je malam-malam ni"

"eh..takpe.dah jadi tanggungjawab pak cik"

uhuh..terharu lagi.Alhamdulillah...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

not pounding anymore! :D

it feels like sooo relief after the consti's hour.we've been asked to make a group work and discuss on several issues regarding the constitutional law.some of us have to discuss on the current issue about the validity of appointment the new MB in Perak and does the Sultan has a discretion power on that matter(appointment & dismiss the MB).some other group have to discuss on the constitutionality of the new elected Judicial that we're really need the committee to upheld the justice?

my group had to discuss on the topic of judicial power, whether court's power are limited under the we've decided that the court is the guardian of the Constitution,we've unanimously agree that court have the power to interprate the law to the extent that they can invalidate any provisions that on their views to be unconstitutional.we have to present the answer in front of Sir Nazim in his room.what made me really excited about this class today is Sir in a GOOD MOOD!.finally,Alhamdulillah :)

even though that we'll have to discuss on the topic more deeply later (since we've not analyse on the case of Dato' Yap Peng in our discussion), we've manage to finish our presentation with a smile because there was no sign of unsatisfaction in Sir's face.yeah,he's really in a good mood today!before entering his room,only Allah's know how kecut perutnye kami.huhu..we've only have one hour to discuss and to analyse on the ratio decidendi of the cases.

..[this book is among the lucky one which has been read by Sir]..

" thank you sir :) "

"we've not done yet.we'll discuss it on tutorial"

haha..oh Sir,baru nak rasa lega.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

weekend ini and a phone call from mama!


"mak tahu.sebab tu lah mak telefon ni."

mak saya concern sungguh secara tiba-tiba.(tapi mak saya memang concern pun actually :D ).nak balik,cuti Maulidur Rasul ini mungkin?pelawaan Syairah balik ke kampung beliau di Penang mungkin ditolak sebab aku kepingin nak balik rumah.tak apa walau penat di rumah asal puas aku menatap wajah bonda.

enough about that.wah..weekend ini aku sungguh telah menstrugglekan diri.2 malam tidur seawal 2-3 am and woke up at the early subuh.disebabkan test dan assignment serta tugasan luar(out station ke KLIA untuk menghantar beliau itu mengflykan diri).thanks to achik dan izzati for accompanying me and shared the laugh and tears together since our ab initio friendship,rite?sangat seronok melakukan aktiviti pukul-memukul dengan anda berdua ;) seat for the contract test this early morning dalam keadaan diri terkapai-kapai study beberapa jam saje.moga Allah permudahkan urusan kamu Anis!

..[buddies are always like that,hyper-active!]..

from now on,i'll learn to be more independent.quote from Sis Izzati,"don't afraid to stand alone".kawan-kawan,trimas untuk segala perhatian.cookie,thanks sebab selalu meluahkan kesedihan anda itu (anda semestinya paham kan?dan warning,jangan nak mengayat di sini :p )

a new japan words for today is "Ai ai gasa mono ko de" but the meaning for it still in progress :) sekian,wallahua'lam.