Wednesday, December 31, 2008

selamat ulang tahun kawan!

lately,rajin pula aku mengupdate blog usang ini.mengapa kah?mungkin disebabkan kemudahan yang sedia ada ini.thanks wireless uitm!hoho~ janganlah aku menyalah gunakan pula.

back to the point.tadaa~ happy ulang tahun yang ke-2o miss dearie hawa darlida!anak hujung tahun sungguh kamu.haha~ kenapa tak lahir 12.01 am 1 january 1989 je?saja nk same age dengan kita kan?wee~ by the way,welcome to 20,gudbye to 19.anda kini setaraf dengan kami semua :p

after had some discussion about the constitutional class(sure you know about this rite? :) ),kami pun berjalan ke seksyen 2,hala tuju=> warung ais kacang tepi jalan yang indah permai di bandar shah alam.

Alhamdulillah,murah rezeki hari ini,k.farah belanja kek sedap.tak percaya?lihat gambar di bawah :) untuk hawa,kita doakan moga anda sentiasa diberkatiNya,dipanjangkan umur,dipermudahkan segala urusan dan bahagia bersama orang-orang yang anda kasihi.semoga ukhwah kita terus berkekalan ya?uhibbuki jiddan!

..[riang gembira hawa]..

tetapi,aku kesal.dek kerana terlalu enjoy riang gembira bersama teman-teman,hampir saja aku menyebabkan syairah sesak nafas.sangat dikesali.mungkin peringatan buat diriku yang sering lupa.maafkan aku teman.

"Sungguh,kamu dahulu lalai tentang (peristiwa) ini,maka Kami singkapkan tutup (yang menutupi) matamu,sehingga penglihatanmu pada hari ini sangat tajam"(Qaf:22)

hawa,mungkin doa ini sesuai kita amalkan sempena hari lahirmu :)

''Ya TUHAN saya mencintai-MU dan memerlukan- MU, datang dan terangilah hati kami. Ya Allah aku mohon pertolonganMu, jadikanlah aku ini hambaMu yang soleh, Ya Allah aku mohon pertolonganMu, jadikanlah aku ini hambaMu yang taat pada Mu, taat pada RasulMu s.a.w., taat pada kedua orang tuaku, ayahbonda ku tercinta, taat kepada semua guru murshidku yang telah membimbingku menuju jalan sampai kepada Mu. Ya Allah aku mohon pertolonganMu, jadikanlah aku ini hambaMu yang bijaksana hikmah yang dibekali olehMu ilmu yang menjadikan teguh pendirianku dalam bertaqwa mengabdikan diri pada Mu dengan penuh rasa syukur atas segala nikmat-nikmatMu wahai Tuhan yang berbelas kasih. "

wallahua'alam.semoga Allah mengampuni segala kekhilafan kita hari ini.ameen~

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

the very first day~

Alhamdulillah,hari pertama yang banyak dihabiskan untuk mendengar sahaja actually.a little bit introduction about the contents of study for the MLS and Constitutional Law II.also,the new faces of new lecturer's name for the MLS,Prof Madya Sue Valquis,unique isn't it? :)

ketakutan dan kebimbangan either our class for Consti will be taken by sir nazim or not has been answered at 10.30 am today.aha!~ yes2.he will teach us along this sem and the efforts for sure has been expected from the early class as he keep on repeating his words "READ the cases before you entered the class.if you failed to answer my question,your assessment mark will be deducted."what?deducted?gegegege~ i know that i'm weak at this part.all of us looking at him with the pale look.scared or regret of taking the law field?sir nazim gave the simplest answer."you don't have to scared as you are the law students". is the title really bring that big effect?heared about the current news around us that he never ever gave the students A even A- easily.last sem,only 1 among the batch who got B+.B+ okay,not A or A- anymore.the last A- that he ever gave to the student was in 2004.ya Allah,ampunilah aku.lemah aku mendengarnya.mahu atau tidak,the battle has more malas-malas or tidur sesuka hati tanpa sebab yang kukuh.uhuw~

kawan-kawan,tolong doakan daku ya.kuatkanlah hatiku Ya Allah~ semoga doa kedua ibu bapaku sentiasa mengiringi perjalanan anak mereka yang masih merangkak ini.ameen..

got the chances to visit the library after a long semester break.and oh,certain part of the library are under construction,made us pening-pening looking for the books.the OPAC system also under maintainance.a normal situation in UiTM,still Alhamdulillah :)

..[the bored girl in blue]..

..[energetic hawa darlida ;) ]..

Monday, December 29, 2008

started the daily routine!

salam pembuka bicara di awal hijrah ini.bagaimana kamu semua?sihat belaka?hope all of you guys have recited the do'a akhir tahun & awal tahun.muchas gracias mama for the doa and thanx to itah for remembering me :)

uhuw~ 29th of december has come.i have to say gudbye mak.such a day that i'm not waiting for.tapi,apakan daya.the responsibility should be carry on.the books are ready to be re-opened.the lecturers are smiles with the thousand of meaning behind it.

the early plan to stay at seroja with my schoolmate,Atifah has been canceled.due to the certain factors,i've made the decision with the humble face ask hawa to stay at her room at mawar.luckily,Alhamdulillah,my request has been fulfilled.thanx hawa!ehe..soon,i'll pay you haa :p i,cookie,cik nor and min had to merempat while waiting for the appeal of the kolej in two weeks times.a week before the registration of the college,saya and cik cookie buzy contact each other thinking of the place menumpang teduh for this semester.hostel or rumah sewa?rumah sewa or hostel?hostel,rumah sewa or pondok guard at the enterance gate?aha~ i'm sure the last choice is better than never!

sometimes,it made me mad why the system of student intake for the residential at hostel are not smooth and effective and caused the applicant like us hilang arah panduan.
oh..just pray anis!they have tried all the best to make sure that the students comfortable with the facilities.if i manage to get the temporary room tomorrow, it's more than enough for me.the passion has teached me to be more thankful my condition right now.hope that the new semester will start with a beautiful colour of mine!kawan-kawan,jom memulakan sem dengan ceria! :)

ouch..felling hungry secara tiba-tiba.with the mini crackers with peanut butter biscuits as my dinner surely are not enough for my tummy size.haha~

hawa:nak makan megi?haha~ awal-awal dah mengajar anis.

waiting for someone to drop by.fairuz,you are most welcome to visit us here.the liar game are ready!

p/s:the planet hitam song of cicakman makes me missing my alesha.cicakman!